Sunday, November 11, 2012

Intiative 502 Passes in WA!

Its an amazing time to be in Washington state right now, especially around the western tri-cities. Over 200 cases have been dropped in western-washington, concerning victimless cannbis crimes.

Several thousand people have been captured on fox, king and komo news, out celebrating the day washington state voters passed 502 with a 55.5% YES. Some say its because none users were finally happy with the harsh DUID and heavy taxation provisions, while others say its because 502 had a strong enough financial backing to finally reach just about all voters. Either way, its clear that Washington was and has been ready for legalization for a long time coming.

And with the passing of 502, even the SPD is considering going 'green' after Dec 6th. Who would've thought? =P

Though even with the jovial celebrations happening and coming up (keep your eye out for hempy parties on Dec 6th!), there is still a lot of work to be done before we are finally free of the prohibition.

-Smoke Em if Ya Got Em-

Monday, May 7, 2012

Blueberry Cheesecake Blended Peanut Butter Nano Bars - Triple Infused

Today's review is for these delicious Peanut Butter Nano Bars that recently found its way to me. This Nano Bar is made with a heavy Indica blend of Blueberry Cheesecake Cannabutter. Now, I'm not positive, but I believe that is cross breed between Blueberry and UK Cheesecake, two strains rising in popularity in the North West again. It also has peanut butter, coconut chunks, chocolate and lots of delicious ingredients. It's only a tiny little treat, but it's great for those of us who need to watch our sugar, because it's small package packs a powerful punch.

And Oh My! These nano bars certainly are a triple threat to every pain, ache, sore and braincell throughout the body, which is probably because they are triple-infused with extra medicine in the oils and gourmet chocolate.

This treat is not something to be messed with and I caution extreme caution. These bars are best used at night as they will cause drowsiness and possibly some confusion. Also, unlike most medibles that go into effect within 1 to 1.5 hours, this treat is a creeper and sets in near 2.5 - 3 hours later, and that was only half of the little 4x4 inch square. On the Level Leaf, I would rate this one a 5.5, as it definitely takes you past the LMAO stage but doesn't quite drop you off into a 6 until later. Still, you'll want to be at home and in a position where you can allow your body to fully relax.

These treats would be great for those patients dealing with sleep disorders, chronic pain or spastic issues. I would NOT recommend it for those with anxiety troubles, the initial peak of the medicine is really intense.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Super Silver Haze - 80/20

This fine specimen is light lime green with wavy red fibers and plenty of sparkly trichomes to please the eyes. It's odor strikes my olfactory senses as a strange bold brew of coffee with lemon skin shavings. It's very distinct, but not overly pungent. Being that it is 80/20, this is mostly a cerebral strain, but it still has enough indica to kill off any strong inflammation. A strong tooth ache that persisted in putting me in a mood for most of the day, was relieved within 30 minutes from this super blend.

Super Silver Haze
The taste of this one is quite different from it's scent, hitting the chalk centers of the taste buds, giving off that "baby powder" taste, which would be my only gripe about it. This strain brings you to a Level 3 1/2 on the level leaf, which is a little past laughing at everything, but not quite to the epiphany level. That lasts a little while, but then fades into a level 4 pretty smoothly, leaving you there for a few pleasant hours of productive creativity.

This strain would definitely be a great medicine for those with anxiety, IBS/IBD, inflammation, light muscle pains and stress issues. Though I would warn that it heightens any ADHD behavior patterns at first, so if you're prone to that, as I am, then make sure you are responsibility free for a few hours.

Friday, May 4, 2012

NYC Frost 60/40 - What Just Happened?

Today we'll be reviewing a newer north west blend known as "NYC Frost". It is a dense leafed-lower shelf blend of 60/40 with an intense 16+% level of THC. This one goes beyond beyond a 5, but not quiet into a 6. It makes me want to create new levels to the "what's your level" leaf, to incorporate a level for "Stupification", where you're not quite together enough to be LMAO'ing, but you're far from snoozing. This is definitely not one of the more pleasant experiences for an active patient to enjoy. Though I imagine the effects would be well tolerated in someone hoping to manage insomnia, bring some serious temperance to ADHD or chill out some severe anxiety.

Other than that, I wouldn't recommend this strain for anyone who needs to be responsible, alert or creative. NYC Frost is a creeper that hits you slowly, then stretches you out into the land of stupification for 2 to 4 hours. While you in the lands of Id, you'll also want to make sure to tie your bib on tight cause this one packs a Munchie Meter level of at least a 7, if not an 8.

This reviewer gives NYC Frost a rating of 2 buds up. It's not my cup of tea, but it will do for now.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Jesus 70/30 - Jesus Saves!

"Jesus Saves!" is a common humorous comment that seems to flow our of your mouth once this strain hits your bloodstream. The intoxicating effects swirl into you at a nice speed, not to quickly, but it's definitely no creeper. It definitely brings you to a Level 3 within an easy eight minutes, and then slides you into a Level 4 for a few hours. What I enjoyed more, was that when it wears off, it doesn't leave you at a Level 7. Instead, it just kind of fades away, bringing you back to the Stem of Sobriety.

I think one of the most interesting things about this strain, is how it got it's name. Apparently, it was bred to be used as a coping agent for those with severe depression. The guy that it was made for, was at such a deep emotional level, he was having a hard time contemplating why he even wanted to live at all. The day that the farmer managed to perfect this strain, the depressed man gave it a try and within an hour he was lively, alert and for the first time in a long time, he was HAPPY.

And, whether you follow an abrahamic path or not, I'm sure you can see the irony in the name of a strain of cannabis that saves people from depression. And NO, it does not taste like a moldy 3,000 year old shroud, lol. In fact, it's rather fruity, with a hint of mint and pine on the finish. Bonus: Jesus is conservative, so you're probably only going to notice a light Level 3 on the Munchie Meter.

I would recommend Jesus in a joint or a bong chilled with ice.

The Elephant 60/40

If elephants were green instead of gray, this would be the color I would expect them to be. Light, almost pale in hue, with lots of little red fibers stringing out in chaotic order. If you haven't been able to tell yet, today's review is for a local strain known as The Elephant.

Everything about this bud truly fits it's name. Most of the flowers are big and lumpy. The smell is very musky with a hint of fresh sweet grass. It's bald in most places, but the hairs are obvious in the places they pop out. It burns a little on the intake, and the finish leaves behind a very strong flavor of old hay cleared away from an elephant enclosure. Not my favorite flavor, though I'm fond of strains named after the characteristics of the blend itself.

Being mostly a sativa, it definitely effects you sooner rather than later. Like it's mammalian counterpart, this blend may not seem all that exuberant, but it can reach top speed in under 60 seconds and can really go the distance. That being said, I can't say I would really go for this blend on a regular basis. And it's not for any lack of achievement on pain killing or anxiety releasing, it can definitely do the job there. I'm just not much for the taste. Though I would definitely use some sweat leaf from this blend for medibles.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Head Band 2 - 60/40

Being moderately heavy in Indica, this blend is well suited for those looking for some ease into dream land at night. It has a very floral bouquet with a touch of pine to it, and it almost leaves a bitter-lime taste in the nose. The coloration varies from dark to off white, with a decent array of trichomes cover the leafier areas.

Interestingly enough, the pine scent does not carry onto the tastebuds, but instead you're quickly made aware of a strong coffee and fruit taste, with a spring rosebud finish as it leaves the throat. This blend is another 60/40, though IMO it is definitely heavier on the indica then most of this percentage. The intoxication level peaks at a Level 5 and quickly fades into a Level 6. It's a good blend for an evening night cap, especially for patients with muscle aches and pains, who need something to relax and gently seduce them into bed. 

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Wonder Woman - 60/20 Sativa

Recently a small batch of "Wonder Woman" made it's way into my medical supply, and I must say - it's definitely super. The flowers come out as in an almost 'widow white' color, blended with the occasional red fibers and sprinkled with trichomes, which kind of makes it look like it's been sprinkled with magic fairy dust. The bouquet of this super lady is mild and reminds a bit of the smell of strawberry vines - kind of fruity, kind of earthy. The taste is very woody, ever so lightly floral and a bit musky. It definitely brings to mind the image of a big muscle-bound super lady - mostly feminine, but more testosterone filled than your average woman...

Wonder Woman is definitely a good choice for those with serious IBS/IBD issues, though you'll want to watch out for the munchies effect on this one, as it's at least an 8 on the Munchie Meter, and if you're not careful you could upset your IBS/IBD with the foods you eat. It's not horrible, but you'll certainly feel a bit hulkish if you don't eat, so make sure to have some healthy snacks laying around if you want to avoid a trip to the nearest Mickie D's.

In terms of intoxication, Wonder Woman is really mild, which is my preference. Being mostly Sativa, this blend is very Cerebral and is a good choice for those of us who like to maintain a certain level of composure. It offers the patient a serene-creative energy that is conducive to artistic endeavors such as writing or painting. The mid-level Indica count in this strain is what I would attribute to the release of IBS or other spastic pains, as strains with too much Sativa don't generally help in my opinion, even if they afford you more in the creative department.

The downside to this blend, is that it has a bit of a harsh after taste and it doesn't last long. So if you're a chronic smoker, this strain is probably not economically feasible for you. On the other hand, if you only need a little to keep your health and wellness in check, then I definitely recommend Wonder Woman.